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Saturday, 14 February 2009

The Occult World of Commerce

by Jordan Maxwell & Jason Whitney

This is the Maxwell-Whitney lecture on etymology (word meanings), Freemasonry and the Court system. Jason Whitney presents brief yet elaborate audio-visual occult/esoteric roadmap to understanding how our legal/banking systems are fundamentally predicated upon one thing, "commerce,” and the regulation thereof. The questions to consider are however, who is doing the regulation, what sort of regulation is being done and who has reaped the benefits from such regulation? Jason Whitney further asserts that the extraction of money "energy" from society is made possible by and through corrupt judges and other judicial henchman demonstrating the economic element of their criminal enterprise and how the fines, fees, restitution and forfeitures received by the courts have been deviously embezzled by Judges and their co-conspirators. The occult dynamics, esoteric concepts and other intrigue presented by Maxwell and Whitney is fundamentally essential for anyone who desires a greater insight as to how our out-of-control legal/banking construct is designed and operates in America. This presentation addresses: Man as a Word-Controlled Creature Civil Law vs. Admiralty/Maritime Law Maritime/Admiralty Law Superimposed over Civil Law One's Mother as a Merchant Vessel Giving Birth as a Commercial Maritime Concept Hospitals and Energy Farms Spiritual Beings vs. Human Beings Freemasonry, Banking and the Court Connection Judicial Slush Funds The use of Public Records Act Requests

Go to Google Video — To download this film.

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